Nature Talks
An anthology about nature in the world around us
What is Nature Talks?
“Nature Talks” is a collaborative project in which artists answer the question “What does nature mean to you?”. This project will be public and free to download. Any name or information given for the project will be publicly available.This project will include the work of any and all artists.Who am I: Arin (@armarts_) is a disabled queer artist who focuses on topics of conservation and art to make both topics more accessible. They are a multidisciplinary artist who has a love for the natural world and those who inhabit it and wish to share it with others.Graduate project acknowledgement: This project is part of my master portfolio, meaning that the completed project, along with all of the materials, will be seen and reviewed by the graduate board so that I will be awarded my degree. For that reason, I felt the need to acknowledge that and that everyone who is a part of this project is aware it will be a part of my portfolio. No one’s personal information will be provided inside the materials submitted aside from how they are credited in the project.If you have any questions unanswered on this site, feel free to DM me on my Instagram or send an email to [email protected]
What kind of art is allowed?
"Nature Talks" is a multimedia project! The only form of art I cannot accept at this time is video or audio art as this will be a physical and printable zine. Other forms of art such as short creative writing, poetry, illustration, painting, collage, photography, etc. are all welcome! There is one exception. AI art or art produced by AI will NOT be permitted and excluded from this project.Do I need to be at any certain skill level? Nope! "Nature Talks" is open to any artist regardless of your skill level.Is there an age limit? Nope! Artists of any age are welcome in this project. If you are under 18, I am going to recommend that you do not submit your full name for your safety. Even though I will be the only one handling personal information, I want to make sure your privacy is protected.How many pieces can I submit? At this time, I ask that everyone who submits something only submits once. I want to give everyone an equal chance so please only submit one piece at this time.Is premade art okay? Do I have to make something new? You do not need to create anything new if you do not want to. If there is something that you have previously made you think will work well in this project then feel free to submit it! If you wish to create a new piece for this project, you’re absolutely welcome to do that as well!How many people will be in the zine? plan on taking 10-15 people for this project. I am one person and unfortunately have the time to create anything larger at this time.What is the rating of this project? Since I want this project to reach as many people as possible, I request that your submissions remain PG-13 or lower. Mild swearing is permitted within reason.How will contributors be selected I will be picking these submissions at random to keep everything as fair as possible. I don’t want anyone to feel like I am picking favorites or excluding anyone as that is not what I or this project stand for.What if I don't get selected? Don’t feel discouraged! If this project is successful, I will make further issues of "Nature Talks" and continue to include everyone who submitted to the project initially until I have included everyone. The creation and release of these issues may not be as fast as the initial issue but I want everyone to have an opportunity to be included.Will there be any money or compensation involved? "Nature Talks" will be a free project. I will not be compensated financially for this and there will not be any compensation for contributors. My thesis revolves around making conservation topics more accessible through art and because of that, "Nature Talks" will be made available for everyone for free.
Book Information
Book size: This book will be 8.5” by 5.5”, or half a page of printer paper folded in half “hamburger” style (or A5 format). This is for minimal construction for those who wish to print their own copies. Because of this, try to keep any pieces (minus writing) within these margins or I may have to format your piece to a smaller or larger size to accommodate for the book.Art guidelines: Keep within the margins of 8” by 5”. I will be factoring in bleed margins to meet the book size. Preferred file type is PNG, PSD, ZIP, or PDF
Writing guidelines: creative writing and poetry needs to remain 250 words or less. Preferred file type DOCX, PDF, Google Doc, and PSD.Artist ownership statement: Any piece that you submit to this project belongs to you even after the release of the project.Distribution statement: I politely ask that once the free PDFs are out and available, if you choose to share this zine with other people that you do not have permission to sell or distribute this zine as your own. The goal of this project is to highlight artists and their voices without any extra paywalls or fees. You are more than welcome to print out copies and share them with friends and family, but please do not sell this zine.